David Welter Locksmith
Serving South Florida Since 1991

Welter Lock and Safe, Licensed, Insured, Bonded, and has been keeping South Florida Safe and Secure since 1991. With over 20 years of experience in this industry we promise to give you, Our Customers, the best in Service and in Quality Products.

As a Family Owned Business, we at Welter Lock and Safe pride ourselves in giving you the true security that you diserve, by giving you a Quality product that you can depend on.

We specialize with a wide variety of products from Vehicle Factory Remotes to High Security Biometric Safe's. As well as services from routine House Lock-Outs to Installations of Floor Safes. Check Out Our Services and Products Page for a Better Idea, or E-Mail us.

David Welter Locksmith
David Welter CRL
5106 S State Rd 7
Hollywood FL 33314
Tel: 954 584-3811; 800 417-2002
Fax: 954 316-5385
E-mail: Info@WelterLockandSafe.com
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