Wilson-Rowan Locksmith
Keeping the Palm Beaches safe since 1919
Wilson-Rowan Locksmith Company was founded in 1919 and has been serving the Palm Beach's for over 80 years.
In your home or office, we can make sure you and your belongings are safe. Our professional staff can evaluate the level of security necessary for you. We can advise you on how to stop someone from having duplicate keys made, or show you how to track who and when someone enters or leaves your establishment. Maybe what you really need is a safe to keep those valuables and stock certificates secure. A bank is not always open when you need it to be. So what do you do with those jewels over the weekend? Just let them sit out in the open for the taking? Don't be an easy target for someone to take advantage of you.
In this busy world of ours, you don't need to worry about who is going to take from you what you have worked so hard to obtain. See our full line of products and world class services to ensure your peace of mind.
Wilson-Rowan Locksmith
Richard Rowan CPL
1304 Clare Ave
West Palm Beach FL 33401-6908
Tel: 561 655-3637
Fax: 561 655-3708
